19 October 2012 Archives

How yoga gave me back my life!

  • Posted on October 19, 2012 at 8:44 am

Although yoga is an ancient  practice, it’s lessons and benefits still apply today.  Practicing yoga gave me back my life, allowing me to regain strength and range of motion that I had lost during my extensive treatments of breast cancer and mastectomy surgery during 2005.  I remember as my body was healing and recovering, trying to dream of a time in the future when I would be strong again and have my hair back.  As I started practicing yoga I knew immediately that this was the best exercise therapy that could help me.  My chest and arm affected by the surgery and radiation treatments was tough and hard, I instinctively knew that yoga could heal my body.  During those first few months of practice I realized that I would need yoga in my life forever!  That is when I decided to go through yoga teacher training through Deep Yoga.  My teachers Bhava Ram and Laura Plumb were so awesome, however even as loving as they are, it was having a place called A Women’s Wellness Center to teach from that really allowed my practice to thrive.  Now it has been approx 3 yrs since my turning to yoga for my healing and I am so grateful for yoga, it gave me back my life!  I am forever grateful to yoga for the internal peace that practicing yoga and meditation has given me!